Apple Valley has the highest kill rates in California
Join us, Tuesday, January 24, 2022 Protest will be in front of AVAS from 2:30pm - 4:30pm, followed by City Council Meeting @6:30pm. We will have the 2 hours in between to discus and plan our speaking points at the meeting. If you can attend, please text me at 213-948-3165. For more information, go to the PUBLIC event link on Facebook. We are managing a private event link. For more information on that, text me.

We are protesting at Apple Valley Animal Pound because animals in their care do not have a voice. They are killed without someone defending their interests. In all my 12 years of being an animal networker, I've never seen an animal pound with such a high kill rate. Now keep in mind, many of the animal shelters FOOL the public claiming that their animals are sick or behaviorally challegended when they kill them. Because they LABEL the animals sick or behavioral, they DO NOT count THOSE animals when they provide their stats. They only count HEALTHY animals they kill. So, they have an incentive to LIE about the animals to make things look better. Some of us call that job security. It's a huge LIE they tell the public, but because there is NO advisory board or law mandating that animal pounds report their numbers in any certain way Animal Pounds getaway with their lies. I've tried to report many animal pounds to local authorities and even the FBI. I've wrote our California Attorney General and they all say the same thing. They tell me that if there is something illegal going on at the animal shelters report the crimes TO the animal shelters committing the crimes. I hope you can see more clearly now how animals shelters are getting away with many different crimes. I use the word crimes because there are LAWS that dictate how animal pounds are suppose to treat animals but there is no one but the animal shelter holding the shelter accountable. I am going to protest on Tuesday because I've learned that Apple Valley has too many contracts with surrounding cities. They can not handle the amount of animals in their own city and it is my belief they should NOT be taking on any other animals from ANY community until they learn how to save the animals in their OWN community. I live in part-time in Big Bear and we do not allow surrounding communities to bring their animals into our community. Because of this, we have not killed ONE animal in the last three years. Apple Valley Animal Shelter CAN do better if they have a better manager and a better viewpoint on animal sheltering. They need to put APPLE VALLEY ANIMALS FIRST! This means forcing nearby communities to shelter their own homeless animals. In addition, the lack of transparency at the AVAS facility is unforgivable. For example, when I network an animal in any other animal shelter in California, the staff with tell me or ANYONE who calls in the results of an animal who they sheltered. Not at Apple Valley, they have such a high kill rate, the staff will tell interested adopters or rescues organization to check a chart available once a month or once every two or three months for the outcome of an animal. This lack of transparency discourages people who are helping AVAS for free. Thousands of dollars are raised to help animals in this shelter but because of their lack of transparency, animal rescues and donors are at a lose on how to get their donations in the hands of the right individuals. In addition, many people in social media venues want to know the outcomes of animals so they will continue to follow animals located in certain animal pounds. Not at Apple Valley, due to the lack of transparency, social media groups are unfollowing the animals at Apple Valley. By providing the outcomes, potential adopters or followers will continue to show their support. These are just two reason I'm personally concerned about the Apple Valley Animal Shelter. I haven't even mentioned their outbreaks of distemper at the pound. The limited working hours which makes it difficult for rescues and adopters to adopt. There is such a large list of issues, we are left only to protest and let the community at large to know THIS IS NOT NORMAL. Please if you can join us in protest this Tuesday. Download the latest numbers on Apple Valley's kills and saves by clicking below.
Cats have no chance of getting out of Apple Valley. Download the latest numbers on Apple Valley's kills and saves of cats surrendered to their animal pound ny clicking below.