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Help Protect the Rights of our Cats and Dogs in CA

We need your help.

Dear Friends of Los Angeles County Cats and Dogs,

Who is opposing California AB 1881 which is known as the 'Bill of Rights for Dogs and Cats'? Cal Animals (see is one of the only organizations in the entire state of California opposing the rights of cats and dogs to be treated humanely and with respect. The organization's President Marcia Mayeda just so happens to be the Director of Los Angeles County's Animal Care and Control too. Yup, the same person responsible for closing down open access to Los Angeles County Animal Pounds which has and will continue to result in the death of thousands of our homeless dogs and cats.

Here is what Marcia Mayeda's organizations response is to the bill,

"On behalf of the California Animal Welfare Association (CalAnimals) and the 230 shelters and animal control agencies we represent, I regretfully submit this letter of opposition to AB 1881 as currentlydrafted. Our organization appreciates your desire to establish a better understanding around proper caretaking of cats and dogs in CA, but there are a variety of issues that prevent us from supporting this


Generally speaking, aspirational language should be presented as such and not presented as rights. The language provided in this bill is both subjective and nebulous and will result in confusion for the publicas to what can and will be enforced, saddling our animal services agencies with unrealistic expectations.

For example, how will a California resident interpret their dog or cat’s right to be fear free or free of exploitation?"Excerpt from response letter by Jill Tucker, California Animal Welfare Association (CalAnimals)

In response to this effort by our own out-of-control Los Angeles County Director Marcia Mayeda's organization to interfere with this effort to protect our animals, let's together show our support of District 53 Assembly Member Miguel Santiago's AB 1881. We need to do anything and everything we can to stop Marcia's efforts to harm our animals including showing our support of AB 1881. Below you will see Miguel's efforts in getting people to support AB 1881 the 'Bill of Rights for Dogs and Cats' which Marcia's organization opposes below. We just need to do three things to help get this passed.

First, learn the facts. Download the FACT SHEET about AB 1881

Second, read the Quick Reference Sheet explaining how to submit your letter.

Finally, download a sample support letter you can EDIT and SEND. Letters are due April 19th by 5pm

Send your letter electronically by following the directions at the link below.

Read the bill by clicking below...

As we all know, Marcia Mayeda has locked out OPEN ACCESS to our Los Angeles County Animal Pounds while all other animal pounds across California have fully reopened. NOW, Marcia is attempting to make sure our animals are not protected from the abuses that happen in our California animal pounds where more than a 100,000 dogs and cats die each year. Our homeless animals are walked down a hallway by trusted employees of Marcia Mayeda in our California Animal Pounds without any rights protecting them from wrongful death. And now Marcia is trying to stop any action being taken to protect our innocent.

Please take just a moment and write a letter of support for AB 1881. We must stop well paid animal abusers from winning this war over life and death issues. Don't let the ones killing our animals win because you don't take a few minutes and write a letter supporting animal rights. WRITE A LETTER RIGHT NOW IN SUPPORT OF AB 1881.


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Who's Behind The Blog

Shelter Dogs Available By Breed in Southern California:
Afghan Hound
Airedale Terrier
Alaskan Husky
Alaskan Klee Kai
Alaskan Malamute
American Bulldog
American Eskimo
American Foxhound
American Pit Bull Terrier

American Staffordshire Terrier

American Water Spaniel

Anatolian Shepherd

Australian Cattle Dog

Australian Kelpie

Australian Shepherd

Australian Terrier


Basset Hound


Bearded Collie


Bedlington Terrier

Belgian Laekenois

Belgian Malinois

Belgian Sheepdog

Belgian Tervuren

Bernese Hound

Bernese Mountain Dog

Bichon Frise

Black and Tan Coonhound

Black Mouth Cur


Blue Lacy

Bluetick Coonhound


Border Collie

Border Terrier


Boston Terrier

Bouvier des Flandres


Boykin Spaniel



Brussels Griffon

Bull Terrier

Bull Terrier - Miniature



Cairn Terrier

Canaan Dog

Cane Corso

Carolina Dog

Catahoula Leopard Hound

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

Chesapeake Bay Retriever


Chinese Crested Dog

Chinese Sharpei

Chow Chow

Cirneco dell Etna

Clumber Spaniel

Cocker Spaniel

Collie - Rough

Collie - Smooth

Coton de Tulear

Curly-Coated Retriever



Dandie Dinmont Terrier

Doberman Pinscher

Dogo Argentino

Dogue de Bordeaux

Dutch Sheepdog

Dutch Shepherd

English Bulldog

English Cocker Spaniel

English Coonhound (Redtick)

English Foxhound

English Pointer

English Setter

English Shepherd

English Springer Spaniel

English Toy Spaniel

Entlebucher Mountain Dog



Field Spaniel

Fila Brasileiro

Finnish Spitz

Flat-Coated Retriever

Fox Terrier - Smooth

Fox Terrier - Wirehaired

French Bulldog

German Pinscher

German Shepherd Dog

German Shorthaired Pointer

German Wirehaired Pointer

Glen of Imaal Terrier

Golden Retriever
Gordon Setter

Grand Basset

Griffon Vendeen

Great Dane

Great Pyrenees

Greater Swiss Mountain Dog




HovawartIbizan Hound
Irish Setter
Irish Terrier

Irish Water Spaniel

Irish Wolfhound

Italian Greyhound

Jack (Parson) Russell Terrier

Japanese Chin


Karelian Bear Dog


Kerry Blue Terrier


Korean Jindo


Labrador Retriever

Lakeland Terrier



Lhasa Apso



Manchester Terrier

Maremma Sheepdog


Mexican Hairless

Miniature Pinscher


Neapolitan Mastiff


Norfolk Terrier

Norwegian Buhund

Norwegian Elkhound

Norwich Terrier

Nova Scotia Duck Retriever

Old English Bulldog

Old English Sheepdog



Parson (Jack) Russell Terrier

Patterdale Terrier


Petit Basset Griffon Vendeen

Pharaoh Hound

Picardy Sheepdog

Pit Bull Terrier

Plott Hound

Podengo Portugueso Pequeno


Polish Lowland Sheepdog


Poodle - Miniature

Poodle - Standard

Poodle - Toy

Portuguese Water Dog

Presa Canario




Queensland Heeler
Rat Terrier
Redbone Coonhound
Rhodesian Ridgeback
Schnauzer - Giant
Schnauzer - Miniature
Schnauzer - Standard
Scottish Deerhound
Scottish Terrier
Sealyham Terrier
Shetland Sheepdog
Shiba Inu

Shih Tzu

Siberian Husky

Silky Terrier

Skye Terrier

Soft-Coated Wheaten Terrier

Spanish Mastiff

Spanish Water Dog

Spinone Italiano

St Bernard - Rough Coated

St Bernard - Smooth Coated

Staffordshire Bull Terrier

Sussex Spaniel

Swedish Vallhund

Swiss Hound

Tennessee Treeing Brindle Hound

Tibetan Mastiff

Tibetan Spaniel

Tibetan Terrier


Toy Fox Terrier

Treeing Cur

Treeing Walker Coonhound


Vizsla - Wirehaired


Welsh Corgi - Cardigan

Welsh Corgi - Pembroke

Welsh Springer Spaniel

Welsh Terrier

West Highland White Terrier


Wire-haired Pointing Griffon

Yorkshire Terrier

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