Immunocidin Killed My Dog Mimi
The day before Mimi had her second surgery, I was googling and found information on a "cure" for cancer. The name of the product is Immunocidin. Long story short, the company is attempting to use people's dogs and cats in their experiments with this drug. They refuse to do legitimate studies claiming that doing the research will only make the drug more expensive. I was told there was an 80% chance of Mimi's Mammary Tumor dying and life going on as normal. What they owner of the company didn't tell me is that there are MAJOR side effects. Because this drug is not FDA approved, they don't have to tell anyone what the side effects are. Please if you are considering using this product don't. Within HOURS of using this drug, my Mimi started to develop SEVERE inflammation. It got worse and worse after each injection. After a week after each injection, the effect of the drug would lessen. I told the drug company that I thought that the drug wasn't working and that it was causing too much inflammation. They convinced me that this was only the response of the drug working. The inflammation ended up burning my baby from the inside out. I'll just show you video and photos below. DO NOT BELIEVE THEM. Their unapproved FDA drug has so many side effects that every person I talked to who used it on their pet, pleads with people NOT TO USE THE DRUG. Because the drug is not FDA approved, they are getting by without having to PROVE the drug works. If you need more information, please call or text me at 213-948-3165. Below you'll see how they burned my baby Mimi alive.
After only 1 month of the Immunocidin's continued treatments, Mimi had to be put to sleep because of the horrific response to the continued injections. The drug company said that this was the medicine destorying the cancer. Sadly, when i told them it was Inflammatory Mammary Carcinoma, they had never ever heard of it. How in the world do you say you have a cure for Mammary Tumors and don't know about Imflammatory Mammary Carcinoma. AVOID IMMUNOCIDIN AT ALL COSTS. They are wolves in sheeps clothing. #Immunocidin #ImmunocidinKills
In this video, there is no response to the Immunocidin treatment. Mimi simply had a Mammary Tumor. We were looking for options that did not involve removing the tumor a 2nd time.
After the condition showed up after the first injection, the Vet suggested we biopsy the inflammation.

Days after the first injection, we share what appeared as an inflammatory response.
