See video from yesterdays County Board Meeting regarding Bowie and MORE!

Fail me once? Shame on me. Fool me for 20 years, shame on the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors for continuing to believe the lies of Director of Los Angeles County Animal Care and Control Marcia Mayeda.
As I sat in the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors meeting yesterday one thing stuck out. It wasn't newly elected Mayor Karen Bass who was there. It wasn't all five elected board members who were there. It wasn't the community of outraged animal lovers who were there. What stuck out to me was that Director Marcia Mayeda wasn't there. Of course, Marcia was last seen promoting her newly issued unicorn license to a little girl who wants to adopt a unicorn. She should have sent her to Build-A-Bear and moved on to more pressing issues. I only wish I was joking (see
As I listened to the Board of Supervisors who I so badly wanted to hate for allowing at least 30% of our County animals to be killed including Bowie over the last 6 months, I heard a group of compassionate women who were trying to really figure out how Bowie ended up in the Vernon meat rendering plant after being in the care of Director Marcia Mayeda only a few days earlier. I thought about all the pressing issues facing the Board and for the first time felt compassion for their situation. There are so many issues they are needing to address and they are giving Bowie's death the floor. I only hope Bowie could see what was happening.
What was happening for me was an evolution of thought on my protest to re-open the animal pounds. It's going to take all of us but I think we can do this. We are going to organize in a way that not only educates our board on what we are seeing out here in the trenches, but we are going to enroll all five board members to fully reopen the pounds AND usher in new leadership at our Los Angeles County animal pounds. And I believe this is possible only if we can collectively work at this over the next 90 days.
To begin, I need everyone to do me ONE favor. I need you to fill out this anonymous survey about your opinions regarding the Los Angeles County Animal Care and Control facilities. You can choose to fill this out completely anonymously or give me your contacting information within the survey. Collectively, we have the answers to not only reopen the animal pounds but to steer the board in the direction that will save lives. Please help me re-open our pounds now by filling out this brief survey.
Click below:
Watch what happened yesterday at the Los Angeles County Board Meeting by clicking below:
Local News Coverage of Director Mayeda's Newest Failures
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