If you are interested in adopting a dog, cat or rabbit from ANY Los Angeles County Animal Shelter, please go immediately because the pounds have changed their minds and are allowing people to come back to the animal pounds WITHOUT AN APPOINTMENT during their afternoon hours! The animal pounds/shelters are OFFICIALLY RE-OPENED! Last August 11th, I protested at Los Angeles County Animal Shelters because they were no longer allowing tax payers to enter the animal control facilities without appointments. They did this to dissuade people from entering the facilities. They told the community that this was NOT because of Covid and that it was their new policy indefinitely.

Mimi. #YourLifeMattered If it had not been for Mimi, I truly believe the animal pounds in Los Angeles County would not fully be reopened. I thank God for Mimi's life. Had she not been surrendered, I would not have seen her and learned of the battle that would have to be fought to save them all. Mimi was diagnosed with cancer soon after leaving the pound. She died in our arms of love. It's because of you Mimi the pounds have fully been reopened. #AlwaysRememberMimi